Saturday 1 February 2014

Hair Fall and Dandruff

Hair fall is a common problem in people with unbalanced diet and less intake of fruits especially dry fruits. If you are suffering from increasing hair fall and find your pillow full with hairs in the
morning, hairs in the comb or brush and while taking bath and massaging shampoo, you need to take it seriously. Baldness, less hair and dandruff on the shoulders affect the personality of an individual and make them less impressive. Hair are import part of the human face and have contribution in overall beauty and looks of male and female.

Dandruff is a common symptom in many people and can expedite the hair fall leading to complete baldness. Dandruff and hair fall have close relation. Dandruff makes the hair weak and vulnerable and resultantly we loose our hair at a higher speed. If you are looking for a positive solution of dandruff and hair fall on permanent bases, you are at the right place. Just read this article and act accordingly.

Causes of Hair Loss and Dandruff:
Hair fall is a natural process upto a certain level. However, if the hair fall is abnormal, it becomes a problem and needs time to cure fully. It can be due to dandruff, body disease or the deficiency of diet elements in daily meals. It can be due to the side effects of medicines used to cure different diseases or a low quality shampoo product. Thyroid problem also causes hair to fall.

How to control hair fall and dandruff:
Many people do not pay attention to their food or diet and start using expensive shampoos and conditioners to control the hair fall. Some rely on oral medicines and many have observed the increased hair fall and dandruff beside treatments and bath products.

Foods for hair fall and dandruff:
Protein should be taken in increased quantity by the individuals suffering from hair fall and dandruff and fear of baldness. Milk, honey, date, fenugreek seed (methi dana) are good for hair fall issue.

Food Treatment for Hair Fall and Dandruff:
Take 5 almonds and soak them in water and leave them for a night. In the morning, peel these almonds with your fingers and take one teaspoon of charmaghaz (Char Magaz is a combination of seeds/nuts: Pumpkin seeds, Cantaloupe Seeds and Water melon seeds) and two dates of medium size. Put all in the blender and pour one glass of pure milk. Blend them well and add sugar or ice as per your taste and weather. No need to add ice in winter ; )
Now take this almond, charmagaz and date shake every morning till you find zero dandruff and no hair on your pillow or in your hand while taking bath. This treatment may cause digestion problems in many individuals. However, do note that constipation is also a possible cause of dandruff and hair fall and early white grey hairs. So getting rid of constipation means getting rid of hair problems.

This is an effective remedy for the acute symptoms of hair fall and dandruff. It will not only treat the hair fall and dandruff, rather it will also make your hair strong, healthy and shining. It will also stop early white hair problem.  For many, it may be hard to arrange the items in this food prescription, however, the results are proven and I have myself taken this food shake for around one month. Now I have got rid of dandruff and falling hairs.

Salad with cabbage, carrots, cucumber and onion is useful with meals for hair problems.

Egg for Hair Loss, Hair Growth and Dandruff:

Take one dozen eggs, boil them fully. Peel the eggs and separate the egg yellow and mash all twelve egg yellow. Now put these egg white in a pan and put on fire. Stir the cooking spoon in it. After some time you will see an oil coming out of mashed egg yellow. Pour this oil in a glass bottle. This oil is very effective for healthy hair and dandruff. Massage this oil in hair and scalp till it get absorbed. Use this oil twice a week and rinse with a plain shampoo. Soon you will see the change, shine, dandruff free hair.

If you find this treatment useful, must give us your feedback. Share this article with your friends and fellows through icons given at the end of this article.


The above article has been written to answer the following:

How to get rid of dandruff and hair loss?
How to control hair fall through food, fruit, vegetables and other diet items?
How to treat dandruff and falling hair problem through food intake?
What to do to clear dandruff permanently?
Which fruit and vegetable is good for strong hair and decreased hair loss?
What is solution of dandruff and hair fall?
How to treat hair loss?

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